I woke up yesterday morning wanting a pasta dryer. The fancy one at the store was $50 (seemed extravagant for such a humble task). The inexpensive wooden one was, "only available online..."

Me: "Siri, call husband"
Siri: "Calling husband."
Husband: "What's up?"
Me: "I'm about to spend $50 on a pasta dryer."
Husband: "Don't. I'll make you one."
Me: "Like now? I want one now..."
Husband: "Yes, I'll make one before you even get home."
Me: "OK, I love you...but it better be good."
Husband: "Please honey...I only do good."
Me: "I'm on my way...!"
Not only did he make us a pasta dryer...he made the pasta too. I'll keep him.
(Scroll to the bottom for directions on how to make a homemade pasta dryer...)
Thomas Keller's Pasta Dough, ad hoc at home
2 3/4 cups (13 ounces) Tipo 00 flour
1 large egg
14 large egg yolks
1 1/2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons whole milk

How to Make a Homemade Pasta Dryer:
- Cut a 1" dowel about 1 1/2 - 2 ft.
- Cut 6, 1/4" dowels about 22"
- Using a 1/4" bit, drill holes through your 1" dowel (about 3/4" apart) turning your 1" dowel about 1/4 inch per hole (ensuring no direct overlap with your dowels)
- Take an approximately 8x10 wooden base (about 1" thick) and with a 1" bit, drill hole in the center of the base 1/2" deep (taking care not to drill all the way through)
- Apply wood glue to base hole and with a rubber mallet tap your 1" dowel into place ensuring a snug fit.
- Allow it to dry...now you have a homemade pasta dryer!
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Wow.This is a awesome recipe...Yummy
I love homemade pastas..
Impressive does not begin to describe what transpired at your place with this homemade past dryer and pasta! Inspiring!
What a clever guy! This is really cool. I also love the pasta recipe. T. Keller is not to shabby :-). This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a great spot to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
Love this post but it makes me feel guilty as I dump my boxed dececco spaghetti into a pot of boiling water.
I've never made a homemade pasta...perhaps I should add that to my 2012 blog to-do list so I can check it off my foodie bucket list! And yes...your hubby's a keeper!
Handyman and chef...definitely a keeper!
Nothing beats homemade pasta...every time I make it I wonder why I don't always take the time to do it. Mmmm.
This is wonderful...thank you for sharing it. I'd love to make one someday. Great photos too!
thanks for the kind comments friends! xo
That's awesome!
Homemade pasta? Count me in!!
I have saved the b/w image to my desktop and emailed it to hubby so he can get the necessary bits from the hardware store on the way home from work. Your husband is a genius! ^_^
This is just a fabulous post. I've tried home made pasta exactly once. It was a little dry. I'll have to look for that flour.
We were given a manual pasta maker for Christmas and I've been on the look out for pasta recipes ever since. This looks great. We've been drying our pasta on clothes hangers so far!
thanks guys! So what's also cool about it is the 1/4 dowels slide in and out so it's not too awkward to store...this could be improved upon for sure but it took him like 20 mins to make!
Also, RE: the flour...we found it at a specialty Italian Market (not sure if Whole Foods may have it too - didn't check)> You can also order it thru AMAZON. Thomas Keller says it's the ONLY flour he uses when making pasta...it was wonderful to work with and tasted truly AMAZING!!!!
Can you lend me your husband for a while? Or at least for a couple of hours, just enough to make me a pasta dryer and a batch of fresh pasta?? Did yo just have that material lying around the house to make it?
I agree with you, you should keep him. Very rare model, mine just does the dishes lol. The pasta is gorgeous but the even more gorgeous is the fact that you found them ready for cooking. Excellent work, congrats to your husband!
Molto brava è venuta una bella pasta
Oh my goodness, I want some fresh pasta! I want your beautiful pasta dryer! Your husband is so talented! I was about to purchase my very first pasta machine and still thinking about the dryer...but the I don't have the tools to make one. But after reading your post, I definitely don't want to spend $50 to buy one...hm.... dilemma for me! :P
Love this post but it makes me feel guilty as I dump my boxed dececco spaghetti into a pot of boiling water.
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