Here's a simple and equally pretty salad or appetizer to serve at your next party. Just be sure your guests like cilantro...
if not...I would think a suitable substitute would be a combination of fresh basil and parsley!
*To make your tuna easier to cube, place the tuna steaks in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes before slicing, this ensures it's nice and cold too!
1.) Make this
Cilantro-Lime Vinaigrette exactly as written below. At the end, stir in one tablespoon of very finely diced scallion.
(The scallion is optional but I enjoy a little scallion crunch with my tuna ceviche.)
2.) Dice up
super fresh Ahi Tuna and place in a bowl.
3.) Spoon some of the prepared vinaigrette onto the tuna and mix together.
4.) Spoon some Cilantro-Lime Vinaigrette on the bottom of a plate.
5.) Place a circle cookie cutter
(or food shaper) centered on top of the vinaigrette.
6.) Spoon tuna ceviche into the circle and lightly pack it down.
7.) Remove the circle, top with a bit of baby arugula and drizzle with a tad more vinaigrette.
Cilantro-Lime Vinaigrette, February-March 2006
1 cup packed cilantro
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup lime juice
1/4 cup orange juice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
Pinch of minced garlic
Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth vinaigrette consistency.