The kids slept in today...it was a nice treat considering the past few weeks.
The pitter pat of rain on the rooftop, along with the dark morning sky, no doubt played a part in the peacefulness...

Most Sundays I wish for sun, a day where the options are limitless...
But today ...the rain felt right.

While my husband and children slept, I grew restless thinking of breakfast...
We had leftover salmon that had been baked in the oven with lemon, chives and dill...half a loaf of country bread, cream cheese...
...and farm fresh eggs from the market.

I know there will come a time when they'll be all grown up and I'll desperately be missing their early morning kisses...
Their predawn pleas for apple juice and waffles...
...the sheer energy and possibility they bring to each and every day.

I want to always remember these days.
The days when rainy, Sunday morning hair is simply perfect...

and when a crayon and piece of paper stretches their imagination...

and leads to creations...worthy of a magnet on the fridge.

Sure, I cook because I love food...but the truth is... I cook because I love my family...without them none of it would matter.
Without them...
....an egg ...would be an egg
....and an herb ...would be an herb
and I'm not sure I'd ever care to put the two together...

but as long as there are rainy days and people who depend on me...
...and as long as there are pictures hanging on our fridge...only giving way to someday framed diplomas....

...as long as they are in my life...
I'll never stop cooking for them.

Yeah, you're right about the family and the true meaning of food. You'll have these memories, and more important, the day will come when the children will recall the love that mom showed on sleepy, rainy Sunday mornings...
Love, love, LOVE this post. So beautiful. :)
I don't have children, but Peter and I do have the King Chas Spaniel, Scooper. He slept in this morning. We awoke, like you, to the pitter patter of rain. I had to get him on the leash to get out to pee - he hates the rain. I would not for one nanosecond compare our dog to your children. They would so lose! LOL Gosh, I am funny. Your happy day has helped make be happy. AND, let's not forget those beautiful eggs.
You have given voice to exactly why I cook, too, even though I didn't really know it. Your post was so, so lovely.
Fantastic post! Such lovely words and reminders about what family should mean to us!!
What a lovely post! Your breakfast looks amazing and your kids are absolutely adorable! So glad I found your blog, new follower! xoxo
Great post - cooking is infinitely better with the chance to share your creations with someone (or someones) special and close to you. Great post!!
Oh my gosh, just as I was feeling totally useless as a human being, let along a mom, this post comes along and gives me hope!
While you were making eggs, we were struggling through a 7 hour trip from VA to NYC. We got here late Sunday night and I guess I should cut myself some slack for not making perfect meals yet... plus Roman can hardly eat with all the excitement and well....change.
All that to say....Wonderful post.
Thanks all :) It was a nice Sunday. Followed by a hectic Monday! :))) C'est la vie!!!! xo
It absolutely was the perfect rainy Sunday!
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