Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Morning Breakfast with the Kids ~ Eggs, Bacon and Frog Boots!

It's Sunday morning and I've been up with the little ones since 6:15. As I'm sitting here typing, Blues Clues is on TV and the boy is in his highchair wearing a diaper and frog boots. My daughter is eating Cheerios while a "Made in China" princess crown precariously sits on top of her head  - one wrong move and that thing will be swimming in milk and 100% whole grain O's!  I feel like I've been here before...looking at the exact same scenario. I'm tired...but happy.

I'm feeling bad about getting flip with Mother Nature. After all she's one multitasking, powerful woman! Who am I to demand things from her? Who am I to defy her in a public forum? We mothers need to stick together...this is hard work!  We rarely get a break. I wonder if her children insist on wearing silly shoes or items plastered with glitter? I wonder if she drinks coffee? Perhaps she fancies tea? I'm pretty sure she likes caffeine as there are the days she's especially revved!

It's a beautiful morning. I'm eating an egg and this delicious smoked, maple, uncured bacon from Whole Foods.  I may just give Mother Nature a call and hope she'll accept my apology...

The Crown

Dirty Frog Boot


Mary Bergfeld said...

I loved your post this morning. No need to apologize to Mother Nature. She understands. Have a fabulous weekend. Blessings...Mary

P.S. Those boots are awfully cute :-).

Clint said...

Too funny. Well, Mother Nature pretty much does what the H she feels like doing at any given time. I'm pretty sure any criticism of her just doesn't matter.

I laugh when you talk about eating "an egg". Then, I saw your beautiful pic of an egg with 2 pieces of bacon. I wish I had your self-constraint! Love your posts.

Cindy Ellison said...

What a great and creaive post. Your children sound adorable...savor every second with them. Today is my daughter's 36th birthday, hard to believe!

Speaking of Whole Foods, I was there yesterday. I bought a Gourmet and Cowboy burger (our favorites) and some of the beef meatballs we are having tonight.

This morning I tried to eat turkey bacon, I just can't hack it. Yuck! Your bacon looked delicious. We enjoy your blog ♥

Unknown said...

Thanks all. I enjoy your blogs too! I look forward to them every day... Thanks for the support.

chow and chatter said...

wow adorable post I totally get you love it

Katerina said...

Not only silly shoes, but also silly clothes and generally insist on doing all the wrong things at the wrong time. Be patient my dear we have a long way in front of us. From what I hear the worse is yet to come.

Simply Life said...

ha, sounds like a perfect weekend morning!

Joanne said...

Mother Nature does do a a lot for us. but sometimes I think she still needs to be put in her place :P Sounds like an awesome breakfast!

laurie said...

How fun! Wish my kids were little again...enjoy while you can!

Karen said...

What a hilarious scene! I can picture it all!